Why does the Visible Learning research use effect sizes?
Why do you use an effect size of d=0.40 as a cut-off point and basically ignore effect sizes lower than 0.40?
What is the preferred timescale over which an effect size can be calculated?
According to the research you directed, which advice will you give to a teacher starting their career?
Any concrete suggestion regarding peer-to-peer feedback? and student-teacher feedback?
Are there any examples of educational institutions who have changed their grading practices to reflect student Growth over achievement?
What is Visible Learning?
How should I use Visible Learning as an educator?
What barriers are there to Visible Learning?
Why has John Hattie changed the term “self-reported grades” to “student expectations"?
I understand the explanation that students are very good at predicting their performance in terms of their learning but I don’t understand the mechanism or link that has caused such a large effect size?
What do you feel is the most important element in student engagement?
In examining your research on teacher-student relationships, in 2009 and 2011, the effect size of teacher-student relationships was 0.72. In 2015, the effect size dropped to 0.52. To what do you attribute the drop in effect size?
What is microteaching?
I am interested in using micro-teaching with my staff to improve their impact on student achievement next year. Do you know of articles to read or schools or people that I can contact that have been practicing micro-teaching effectively?
In your experience, is there any research to demonstrate the positive impact instructional aides have in the classroom? Our superintendent stated there is no research that supports the claim having them in our classroom makes a difference.
To me, the issue is the extent to which students are, or are not, socially engineered into believing in the most important thing one is able to believe in, i.e. oneself, i.e. confidence. Thoughts?
What method/model should replace learning styles? Your book discusses the various phases of learning. Would I be correct to assume that this would be a preferred method to view how students learn?
What are the impacts of acceleration on student learning?
Does acceleration work?
Do streaming (mixed ability versus similar ability grouping) and retention both have undesirable impacts on students?
An increasing number of parents request delayed start for Kindergarten. The belief is this will give them a “boost” over their classmates. The research I have found does not suggest this, does your research have any further information?
My school shortened the school day but is now getting push-back from parents. Do you have anything to help in the discussion with parents regarding the length of the school day?
If there is any other research that you feel might be useful for parents who are trying to make a decision about primary school education, I would greatly appreciate your recommendation. As a parent, choosing a school is challenging!
What is the difference between transformational and instructional leaders?
What can a school leader do to shift the mind set of teachers and parents and make a difference?
My elementary school is contemplating departmentalization. Is departmentalization simply team teaching?
How much do we need to advocate for teacher professional development and Pre-service training in the area of phonemic awareness? When we ask teachers and most new graduates cannot define nor teach it.
Why is phonemic awareness tied up with phonics when it is a totally different construct? Does combining the two indicate that they are the same construct?
When new graduate teachers cannot define phonemic awareness as different than phonics, does it mean that their professors disregard the difference and the importance of phonemic awareness?
How important is homework in the Visible Learning research and is there a difference between primary/elementary and secondary/high school?
Are you recommending that homework be abolished in elementary/primary schools?
What does your research say about the zero benefit, or even negligible effect, you think homework in general has on primary school pupils?
What are the percent influencers of a classroom’s family income and the percent influencers of a classroom’s mildly/moderately disabled students on the overall expected classroom achievement?
Is there a minimal threshold for family income where the low family income in aggregate will begin to interfere in the learning process?