If students in a class are all setting different targets what sort of learning intentions do we need to set (whole class, individual)?
In my essay I also suggested that if you are stating there should be 'more' expert teachers, then this might be a reflection of a thought process that is utopian.
In my essay I wrote that you are suggesting that 'expert' teachers are the ideal, i.e., the level that 'more' teachers should reach for education to be improved all round.
In my essay I wrote that you are suggesting that there should be more 'expert' teachers, (let's say in the West, in state education) because 'most' teachers are not 'expert' teachers. Is this your position?
In your meta-analysis -- is there any research on the impact of moving about the room by the teacher?
Inquiry learning is embedded in the New Zealand Curriculum. How do we make it to the ‘Problem Solving’ teaching that gives d=0.67 vs. inquiry at d=0.46?
Is there some metric you would suggest I try to use personally to determine where my time would be best suited at these two schools with 4 classrooms of kindergarten students eager to learn to read?
My predecessor organised "academic skills” to ‘build capacity’ of generic skills to enhance the learning journey of our students. Is this going to have an impact on student learning/outcomes?
The description of problem-based learning in Visible Learning is exactly how I would describe project-based learning. Are they the same?
What are the five most influential factors on student learning? (And, why?)