How should the teachers conduct the evaluation of their impact?
Have you ever encountered work similar to yours that focuses on the strategies that have the most impact on learning for students with disabilities?
If a student retests, do you see "grading the results of both tests' average" as most effective to teach students the idea of "Trying hard the first-time matters?" If not, what would you recommend?
In your meta-analysis -- is there any research on the impact of moving about the room by the teacher?
You mention 'effective' and 'expert' teachers in your writings. I am assuming they are the same thing?
In my essay I wrote that you are suggesting that 'expert' teachers are the ideal, i.e., the level that 'more' teachers should reach for education to be improved all round.
In my essay I wrote that you are suggesting that there should be more 'expert' teachers, (let's say in the West, in state education) because 'most' teachers are not 'expert' teachers. Is this your position?
I would appreciate it if you are able to tell me whether you believe that 'most' teachers, at the moment, in the West, are not 'expert' teachers, but are rather either 'inexperienced' or 'experienced.'
In my essay I also suggested that if you are stating there should be 'more' expert teachers, then this might be a reflection of a thought process that is utopian.
What might be the meaning of the phrase, 'make a difference' which you use in your writings? If there were 'more' 'expert' teachers, there would be more educated people. Would that really make that much of a difference?